Sam, Bangs & Moonshine
By: Evaline Ness
Medal Winner
Reviewed by: Lara Lleverino
Recommended age: 6 - 12 years of age
Also read and recommended by: Sandy Hall, Sherry Early
I'm over 50 and if you had asked me before today to tell you about Sam, Bangs & Moonshine from my memories of reading it as a child I would have said it was a very sad story. Somehow in my memory the book had a very unhappy ending. Although there are some negative consequences to Sam's inventive story-telling the story does not end the way I remembered. Reading it as an adult I love the nuance showcased between imagination and lying. I also thought it was an excellent story to introduce the idea of making restitution when you have done something wrong.
One Wide River to Cross
By: Barbara Emberley
Illustrated by: Ed Emberley
Old Noah built himself an ark,
One wide river to cross.
He built it out of hick'ry bark,
One wide river to cross.
An old folk song, ONE WIDE RIVER TO CROSS has been sung by children for countless years. Now, Ed Emberley captures the spirit of humor and joy as the animals file into the ark.
A shoeless alligator, roller skating snakes, performing elephants—even some beslippered yaks—are charmingly portrayed in this imaginative interpretation of an old, old story.
Mr. Emberley printed these woodcuts on his own press. Each figure or small grouping was cut on a separate block of wood and printed on rice paper. As many as 57 impressions had to be made on one piece of paper.
From the dust jacket