Young Scientist and Sports

George Barr
Mildred Waltrip
1962 by Whittlesey House: A Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Non-fiction, Science, Sports
George Barr's Science Experience Books Members Only
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Baseball, football, and basketball are always great fun to play or to watch. Now the well-known science author George Barr shows the young scientist how he can double his pleasure in these and other sports by looking at them with the understanding that science brings. For example, do you know:
Why most fast baseball pitchers are tall?
Why a football is made to spiral when it is passed?
How the bounce of a basketball is tested before a game?
What is a "charley horse"?
How often a sprinter breathes during a 100-yard dash.
These science questions and hundreds of other are answered in this new book. Provocative examples of science at work on the golf course, the skating rink, in a bowling alley, on a ski slope, in boating, and other sports are also provided.
An exciting science guide, there are many fascinating open-end experiments, and line drawings by MIldred Waltrip that are accurate, attractive, and clear.
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Sports Science for Young People
Reprinted in 1990 by Dover Publications
Available formats: Paperback
Series: George Barr's Science Experience Books (Dover Reprints)
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Unabridged reprint, part of the Dover Children's Science Books series
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