Yoon and the Christmas Mitten

Helen Recorvits
Gabi Swiatkowska
2006 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fiction, Picture Books, World Cultures
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In My Name is Yoon, Yoon's parents encouraged her to spell her name in English instead of Korean. Now it's Yoon's turn to teach her parents about something she's learned in America. When Yoon's teacher lends her a book about Santa Claus, Yoon can't wait to show it to her parents. To Yoon's disappointment, though, her mother responds, "We are not a Christmas family."
As Christmas Eve approaches, Yoon learns more and more about this exciting holiday. But no matter how hard she tries to persuade her parents to sing Christmas songs or put up Christmas stockings, they always say no. A determined Yoon soon realizes that she must use her own "Shining Wisdom" to convince her parents that they can indeed be a Christmas family.
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