Wood, Wire, Wings: Emma Lilian Todd Invents an Airplane

Kirsten W. Larson
Tracy Subisak
2020 by Calkins Creek
Biography, History, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Science
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Problems always set Emma "Lilian" Todd's mind soaring—even as a girl. Growing up during the golden age of invention and from a family of innovators, Lilian couldn't hold strips of wire or bits of tin without tinkering. She turned toys and trash into useful inventions.
But when Lilian grew up and learned that inventing wasn't considered women's work, she decided on the next best thing. She got a job at the U.S. Patent Office typing up plans for brand-new inventions—and constructing each contraption in her mind. Soon, she engineered her own fantastic flying machines, testing and tweaking her designs and overcoming each obstacle. Lilian found inspiration in nature and her many failures until her biggest dream finally took flight.
Science writer Kirsten W. Larson and industrial designer Tracy Subisak creatively capture in vivid detail the inventive, courageous, and independent Emma Lilian Todd, true aviation pioneer.
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