Will Spring Be Early? or Will Spring Be Late?

Crockett Johnson
Crockett Johnson
1959 by Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Fiction, Holiday, Nature
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It was the second day of February. There was snow on the ground, and the wind blew cold.
"This is the day," said a voice from under the ground. "This is the day I make my prediction . . . . Will spring be early or will spring be late?"
It was the Groundhog who asked this important question. He tried to smell the sun. He listened for it. He tried to see it. And since he couldn't see the sun, he couldn't see his shadow. And, as everyone knows, when the Groundhog doesn't see his shadow, spring will be early.
But he did see a bright red flower sticking through the snow. A flower in February? This was good news!
What happens when the Groundhog leads the animals of the woods to the bright red flower makes a "Spring is Here!" story that only Crockett Johnson could write.
From the dust jacket
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