Why the Chimes Rang

Raymond MacDonald Alden
Why the Chimes Rang by Raymond MacDonald Alden
Rafaello Busoni
1954 by Bobbs-Merrill Company
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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For the first time in its life of nearly half a century, Why the Chimes Rang, now appears in picture book dress. The rich pageantry of the story is accessed by the many beautiful illustrations by Rafaello Busoni. Little children will be enthralled by them as the story is read aloud—and other children will be drawn by them to read the story themselves and find the prose as lovely as the pictures.
It is a story of faith, a story of Pedro and Little Brother and the wonderful church with a chime of bells that had not rung for many years. Why they did ring at last makes a Christmas tale that has become a classic.
Its warm, tender message is ever new. The story is read in families, in Sunday schools, in kindergartens, in schools, in the children's rooms of libraries and on the air. The play made from it is performed all over the country, year after year. So completely has this story been accepted that many who hear it believe it to be folklore, a legend that has come down to us through the centuries—and this is perhaps the best warranty of its beauty and simple truth.
From the dust jacket
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