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In this astonishingly beautiful and imaginatively illustrated picture book, Mosquito tells Iguana a tall tale that sets off a chain reaction that ends in jungle disaster. Iguana is so upset at being told such nonsense that he plugs his ears. So, of course, when Python says good morning, Iguana doesn't hear and ignores him altogether. Python suspects Iguana is plotting mischief against him, so he hides in a rabbit hole—which terrifies Rabbit. And so this amusing African legend goes, until finally the chain of mishaps reaches Mother Owl, who reacts by refusing to hoot and wake the sun.

Eventually all is resolved, and jungle life returns to normal. But although Mosquito learns her lesson and gives up telling tall tales, she adopts a worse habit.

Leo and Diane Dillon's striking full-color illustrations complement and enlarge upon the tale, perfectly capturing the expansive African imagination.

From the dust jacket of the 5th printing

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Verna Aardema

Verna Aardema

1911 - 2000
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Leo Dillon

Leo Dillon

1933 - 2012
Leo and Diane Dillon, two of the most respected and acclaimed illustrators of our time, have made tremendous contributions to the world of books. Tw... See more
Diane Dillon

Diane Dillon

1933 -
Leo and Diane Dillon, two of the most respected and acclaimed illustrators of our time, have made tremendous contributions to the world of books. Tw... See more

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