Who Walks The Attic?

Laura Bannon
Laura Bannon
1962 by Albert Whitman and Company
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HOLLIS WOKE IN THE DARK and raised himself on one elbow. There it was again—plop, plop, plop—right over his head. Something was in the attic!
Should Hollis call his sister who heads the family until their parents come? Or should Hol take matters in his own hands and solve the mystery?
In the next few days unusual happenings come thick and fast. Hol and his brother Mike find themselves with more clues than they know how to interpret. At last Hol resolves to stand guard. The outcome is terrifying—but funny, too!
This is Laura Bannon's first all-out-mystery, and it's obvious she has enjoyed writing it. Perhaps the real mystery is why she's waited until now to turn her hand to this kind of story. She builds suspense, but keeps a sense of fun in her illustrations that makes everything unroll easily. Lucky the girl or boy who starts his mystery reading with Who Walks the Attic!
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Who Walks the Attic?
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
Who Walks the Attic is a gentle introduction to chapter books and to mysteries. There is plenty of suspense to keep a young reader turning the pages. There are enough clues and suspects to keep anyone guessing. But the end is humorous, and we find out there was never any real danger.
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