Who Lives in this House: A Story of Animal Families

Glenn O. Blough
Jeanne Bendick
1957 by Whittlesey House: A Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Science
Glenn Blough and Jeanne Bendick Nature Books
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There's a little red house on Highway 12 with broken windows and a leaky roof. People don't bother to go inside, but the old house is not as empty as they suppose—in different places and at different times there were live robins, wasps, squirrels, bees, even skunks and spiders.
All day long the animals living in the old house are very busy. Most people don't know about the things the animals do because they don't take time to watch. If they did they would see robins building their nests and the bees building their cells, the skunks making a tunnel and living in a large room under the house, and the spiders spinning their webs.
Dr. Blough and Mrs. Bendick show how all the animals live in the house together, building their homes and feeding their young. Readers will enjoy the other nature books by this author-artist team.
From the dust jacket
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