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The wind was screaming around their house, banging at the shutters, threatening the roof, when the Van Rossem family went to bed. But they were not alarmed: they were accustomed to winds, and the house was strong and solid. The dikes that held back the sea were strong too.

But in the night young Dirk Van Rossem woke to the sound of sirens shrieking and church bells clanging. And there was an even more frightening sound—water splashing right inside the house.

Dirk and his brother Klaas woke the rest of the family. There was barely enough time to escape to the attic as the water surged up toward the rooftop.

That was the beginning of a night of terror, and dreadful days followed. People were swept off their roofs an clung to boards in hopes of being rescued; mothers used washtubs as boats to save their children. And all through it, men worked desperately at the dikes to prevent further disaster.

When the Dikes Broke is a thrilling story of the great flood that swept over Holland on January 31, 1953—the worst flood Holland had suffered since 1421—and of the heroism of the Dutch people in their agelong battle with the sea and their courage in reclaiming their homes and farms when the flood was overcome.

Ages 10-14

From the dust jacket

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Alta Halverson Seymour

Alta Halverson Seymour

1893 -
Papa’s store, in Deer Park, Wisconsin, at the turn of the century, held a special fascination for Alta Halverson Seymour. In a curious mix of hi... See more
Al Schmidt

Al Schmidt

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When the Dikes Broke Reprint

When the Dikes Broke
Reprinted in 2021 by Purple House Press
Available formats: Paperback
View on the Purple House Press site
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When the Dikes Broke Reprint

When the Dikes Broke
Reprinted in 2019 by The Good and The Beautiful
Reprint illustrated by Fred Irving
Reprint Cover Art by Tanya Glebova
Available formats: Paperback
View on the The Good and The Beautiful site
View on Amazon

This unabridged version has updated grammar and spelling.

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The Good and the Beautiful Book List

When the Dikes Broke
Based on the great flood that swept over Holland in 1953, the gripping story When the Dikes Broke follows the tale of the van Rossem family...

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Plumfield and Paideia

When the Dikes Broke
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
I have always struggled with teaching geography. I loathe map work, and have never loved any geography curriculum I have seen. But, I grew up traveling internationally, and I want my kids to have a good sense of the world. I decided that this year, we would approach geography through the living stories of places and their people. I do enjoy finding literary locations on maps, and I love hearing about crucial moments in the history of a place. So, we began with When the Dikes Broke. My kids said this was the best school read-aloud we have done. I agree. They also teased me mercilessly about the ocean of tears I cried on nearly every page of this 130-page story. Some of those tears were of grief, but the vast majority were tears of pride and joy for the Dutch people. Their resilience, creativity, love for fellow man, and humility in the face of an angry ocean broke me like those poor dikes that were broken. I am tearing up as I write this, just remembering that read-aloud several weeks ago! This story is tremendous and one that you will not soon forget.

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