What's Inside A Flower?

Rachel Ignotofsky
Rachel Ignotofsky
2021 by Crown Books for Young Readers
Nature, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Science
What's Inside Members Only
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Book Guide
Have you ever wondered what's inside a flower? Or where flowers grow? Or how they bloom from a tiny seed? Wonder no more! Every question about flowers is answered in beautifully illustrated detail by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Ignotofsky!
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What's Inside A Flower?
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
Rachel Ignotofsky’s What’s Inside a Flower is a lovely introduction to the science and beauty of flowers, perfect for delighting young readers.
What's Inside a Flower
Reviewed by Kate Phillips
The book begins by teaching readers about the many different types of flowers on Earth, and shows exciting details...
Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List
What's Inside a Flower
A beautiful bloom for the nature shelf.