What Is Given from the Heart

Patricia C. McKissack
April Harrison
2019 by Schwartz & Wade
Fiction, Picture Books
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James Otis knows what it's like not having much. Still, he just has to find a little bit of something to share with Sarah, whose family has lost everything in a fire. But what does he have that she would want?
His beautiful sparking rock? Naw, that wouldn't help—you can't eat a rock.
His crayons? No way, even if only a few colors are missing.
Then he remembers what Reverend Dennis said one Sunday—What is given from the heart reaches the heart—and it gets him to thinking...
Here is a heartfelt picture book about the power of kindness and the joy of giving by a master storyteller and a renowned artist.
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What is Given from the Heart
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
This magnificent story follows a young boy and his mother through a long line of hardships and tragedy...
Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List
What is Given from the Heart
A sweet story, one of the legendary McKissackâs last, enhanced by delectable art from a prodigious new talent...
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