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How does a young lady express her gratitude when a brave knight rescues her from a fierce dragon?

What does a young gentleman say when he is introduced to a baby elephant?

What would you say?

If you stop to think about it, you will find that certain responses are expected in almost any formal situation. That's what manners are, and they probably are here to stay.

From the dust jacket

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Sesyle Joslin

Sesyle Joslin

1929 -
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Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak, an author-illustrator of world renown, is the creator of such distinguished children's books as NUTSHELL LIBRARY; HIGGLETY PIGGLETY ... See more

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What Do You Say, Dear? Reprint

What Do You Say, Dear?
Reprinted in 1986 by HarperCollins
Available formats: Hardcover, Paperback
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Kirkus Reviews

What Do You Say, Dear?
A read aloud etiquette book. In the context of delightfully absurd situations, Sesyle Joslin, in this, her first children's...

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What Do You Say, Dear?
Reviewed by Sherry Early
What Do You Say, Dear won a Caldecott honor for Sendak’s pictures, and his droll, kid-friendly style does add to the book’s charm. However, I really love the situations that Ms. Joslin came up with for both of these books, situations that any child might find himself called up on to deal with at any moment. (Not really.)

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