We Were There with Richard the Lionhearted in the Crusades

Robert N. Webb
Historical Consultant:
Andre A. Beaumont
Leonard Vosburgh
1957 by Grosset & Dunlap
Fiction, Historical Fiction
We Were There
Series Number: 16
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"In allowing yourself to be easily defeated, you conserve your strength for the final battle. Remember it is always the final victory that counts."
Stern words, these. But young Guy of Faversham listened carefully to every word. For the man who spoke was Richard the Lionhearted, King of England—and Guy was to be his squire in battle!
The year was 1189. For three years the Saracens had held Jerusalem. Now Richard, upon his oath, would lead his forces with those of the French king, Philip, against Saladin and his hordes.
The trek from France, across to Sicily, by sea to Cyprus, then at last to the Holy Land, was hard, ever endangered by marauders, storms, and enemies of the King. But Guy and his friend Gladwyn served their King well. Even Drusilla, Guy's elfin sister, lady-in-waiting to Richard's queen, had to be held back from performing daring feats of heroism on the field of battle.
Messina ... Limassol ... Acre ... Arsuf -- in every battle Guy swung his battle-axe and Gladwyn his quarterstaff with valour. Yet Guy little realized that the way home to England would bear even greater trials for the valiant King and his loyal squire than ever did the Saracen-held plains of the Holy Land.
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