We Were There at the Battle of Gettysburg

Alida Sims Malkus
Historical Consultant:
Earl Schenck Miers
Leonard Vosburgh
1955 by Grosset & Dunlap
Fiction, Historical Fiction
We Were There
Series Number: 2
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In the summer of 1863, Jonathan Blayne and his sister Mary Lee were living with their grandparents in Gettysburg, a sleepy little Pennsylvania town. June thirtieth dawned hot and quiet, and it was hard to believe that there was a Civil War anywhere. Johnny wanted to go swimming, it was so hot, but Grandpa Blayne had asked him to go to the store.
What Johnny heard at the store sent him running back up the dusty, dirt road for home as fast as he could go. Thousands and thousands of Confederate soldiers under General Robert E. Lee were marching to meet just as many thousands of Union soldiers under General Meade. And they were all marching toward Gettysburg!
They story of that tremendous, three-day battle, and how Johnny and his sister, caught between two great armies, played an exciting part in it, will be long remembered by young readers everywhere.
From the dust jacket
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