Wait For The Sunshine: The Story of Seasons and Growing Things

Glenn O. Blough
Jeanne Bendick
1954 by Whittlesey House: A Division of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Science
Glenn Blough and Jeanne Bendick Nature Books
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Wait For The Sunshine is the story of Pete, who likes to see things happen.
As the spring comes, and the sun climbs higher and stays up longer, Pete watches the growing season begin. He examines seeds, roots, stems, and leaves to learn the wonders of their structure and to discover how they work together. All summer long the bright sun supplies the energy to run the tiny leaf factories that make the food, that makes the wheat, that makes the bread and all the other things that Pete eats.
Then the sun begins to go down earlier, to come up later, and to stay low in the sky. Food is stored by plants and men. Winter comes.
Wait For The Sunshine is a lively book with scientific information on one of the most important processes in nature—a process upon which all life depends.
From the dust jacket
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