Virginia Was a Spy: The Story of World War II Heroine Virginia Hall

Catherine Urdahl
Gary Kelley
2020 by Creative Editions
Biography, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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There was no one quite like Virginia Hall. As a young girl, Virginia played the roles of explorer, pirate, and animal collector. And when she grew up, Virginia was a spy! As an American agent working first for the Allies during World War II and then for the CIA, Virginia had many aliases: she was a reporter, milkmaid, Most Wanted. But who was Virginia, really? At heart, she was a fighter and a hero. Inspired by true events, this adventurous, illustrated biography brings to life the story of a one-of-a-kind woman.
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Virginia Was a Spy: The Story of WWII Heroine Virginia Hall
Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
Virginia never told her own story because she didn’t feel she deserved any special recognition for doing what was right, and she had known too many people who had died because they talked too much. Nevertheless, she was the only civilian woman in WWII to be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism against the enemy.
Virginia Was a Spy
A fascinating introduction to a remarkable life...
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