Two Are Better Than One

Carol Ryrie Brink
Fermin Rocker
1968 by Macmillan Publishing Company
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Chrystal Reese and Cordelia Lark are best friends in the early 1900's. Together they buy their first large, frilly hats, go to their first parties with boys, have a dreadfully embarassing run-in with Miss Hickenlooper, their teacher, and write a hilarious, melodramatic novel, "The Romantical Perils of Lester and Lynette." Included in Two are Better Than One, chapter by chapter as the girls write it, the novel is one of Chrys's and Cordy's last attachments to childhood. During the extended period of their co-authorship, they begin to face the pleasures and fears, privileges and responsibilities of growing up. Written with the humor and insight for which Carol Ryrie Brink's books are widely admired, Two Are Better Than One is a story that young girls will find engrossing in every respect. The handsome illustrations by Fermin Rocker add to the pleasure of this lively story.
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