'Twas Nochebuena: A Christmas Story in English and Spanish

Roseanne Greenfield Thong
Sara Palacios
2014 by Viking Children's Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books, World Cultures
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'Twas Nochebuena and all through our casa, every creature was kneading tamale masa...
It's Christmas Eve, and you're invited to a Nochebuena celebration!
Follow a family as they prepare to host a night filled with laughter, love, and Latino tradition.
Make tasty tamales and hang colorful adornos (decorations) on the walls. Gather to sing festive canciones (songs) while sipping champurrado (hot chocolate).
After the midnight feast has been served and the last gifts have been unwrapped, it's time to cheer, "Feliz Navidad and to all a good night!"
Savor the magic of Nochebuena with a holiday tale you'll want to read again and again.
From the dust jacket
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