Town Mouse Country Mouse (Adaptation)

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse by Aesop
Jan Brett
Jan Brett
Original author:
1994 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Fables, Fiction, Humor, Picture Books
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The classic tale of a town mouse and a country mouse takes on a new dimension in the imaginative and talented hands of Jan Brett. She introduces two engaging mice couples eager to get away from their everyday lives. But when they agree to swap homes, they are plunged into unexpected adventures around every corner.
In an unusual twist to a familiar fable, Jan Brett introduces a bumbling kitchen cat and an inept country owl who stalk the unsuspecting mice from the borders, causing one disaster after another. Finally a dramatic climax sends the mice racing for their own homes, and brings the cat and the owl face to face in a surprise ending.
In a story filled with suspense and humor, lush green country scense alternate with the elegant details of a fine Victorian townhouse, making this a breathtakingly beautiful picture book.
From the dust jacket
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