Too Much Noise

Ann McGovern
Simms Taback
1967 by Houghton Mifflin Company
Fiction, Folk Tales, Humor, Picture Books
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"The bed creaked.
The floor squeaked.
Outside, the wind blew the leaves through the trees.
The leaves fell on the roof. Swish. Swish.
The tea kettle whistled. Hiss. Hiss.
'Too noisy', said Peter."And off he went to the village wise man to find out what he could do. It seemed like a simple enough problem at the beginning, but more and more complications set in—in the forms of a donkey, a sheep, and a cow, etc. until it looked as though an entire farm had come to life right in Peter's house. But with the proper, if overwhelming, application of true folk wisdom, the trouble was ended and Peter's house was finally quiet. Or was it?
From the dust jacket
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