This is the Feast

Diane Z. Shore
Megan Lloyd
2008 by HarperCollins
History, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Poetry
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This is Thanksgiving,
a time to remember
the friendships and freedoms
we all share together.When the Pilgrims embarked on their legendary Mayflower voyage in 1620, they couldn't predict what lay ahead of them. In search of religious freedom and a new life, the settlers faced hardships including harsh storms, illnesses, and unfamiliar terrain. Thanks to their natural perseverance and the help of their neighbor Indians, the Pilgrims survived their first year. And when the harvest the next fall was plentiful, the Pilgrims and the Indians joined together in a three-day celebration, the first Thanksgiving.
Diane Z. Shore's lyrical, rhythmic verse and Megan Lloyd's lively, joyful illustrations bring to life and demonstrate the strong bonds for which we give thanks every year.
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