The Voice of the People: American Democracy in Action

Betsy Maestro
Giulio Maestro
1996 by Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd Books
Government and Law, History, Non-fiction
The American Story Series Members Only
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"American democracy depends on the participation of its citizens. The young people who will be the voters of tomorrow need to begin their education for citizenship now. They need to understand the connection between our Constitution, our government in Washington, and what happens on election day. Appreciating the ideals of American democracy will encourage young people to take a more active role in shaping the future of the United States."
—Betsy Maestro
As they have done in so many other books for young readers, Betsy and Giulio Maestro have taken a complex subject and made it not only understandable but fascinating. From the complicated electoral college, to the process of enacting laws, to the abiding effects of the Supreme Court, to the dynamics of a presidential election, they breathed life into this system of government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
From the dust jacket
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