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High in the Third Heaven sat the splendid jade palace of the sun god, Tonatiuh. Only within its walls was his son, Ixcoçauqui, permitted to roam. There must be something beyond the garden that my father does not want me to see, thought Ixcoçauqui.

One day, Ixcoçauqui climbed over the garden wall. There he met Coyolxauhqui, the beautiful daughter of the moon goddess, and fell in love. Furious at his son for disobeying, Tonatiuh allowed the marriage on one condition. "You must both promise never to leave the heavens, he told them.

But they looked down at the earth and were tempted by its sparkling lakes and broad meadows. Would they keep their vow, or break it and face a bitter punishment?

Distinguished author Eric A. Kimmel gives a powerful retelling of an Aztec legend reminiscent of the story of Adam and Eve.

From the dust jacket

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Eric A. Kimmel

Eric A. Kimmel

1946 -
Eric A. Kimmel is Professor of Education at Portland State University. In 1989 the Oregon Reading Association presented him with the Ulrich H. Hardt... See more
Leonard Everett Fisher

Leonard Everett Fisher

1924 -
Born in New York City, Leonard Everett Fisher received his Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts degrees at the Yale Art School. He has been awarded the ... See more

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