The Two Brothers (Adaptation)
Jean Tseng, Mou-Sien Tseng
Saphan Ros, Minfong Ho Complete Authored Works
1995 by Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co, Inc
Fiction, Folk Tales, Picture Books
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In a quiet Buddhist monastery in Cambodia, there once lived two brothers as alike as two lotus seeds in a pod. When they grew up and were ready to leave the monastery, they went to their abbot for advice. To the older brother, Kem, the abbot said, "Go to China and be a merchant there." But to the younger, Sem, he only said, "When in love, look at the girl's mother. When in pain, don't sleep. When in bed, don't talk." How Sem first ignored, then heeded this unusual advice makes up this richly textured traditional Cambodian tale. From the dust jacket
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