The Three Kings

Maria Cristina Chambers
Janice Holland
1946 by Oxford University Press (NY)
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Holiday, Read Aloud
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For five long years the Three Kings had not come to the little Spanish village where Manolito lived with his foster-father and mother and twenty-three foster-sisters and brothers. Now that the war was over, it seemed to Manolito that the Kings should come again on the sixth of January, riding on their horses and bearing gifts to the boys and girls of all Spain. But who would find the money to hire the horses? Who, indeed, but Manolito and Margarita, who both worked hard and secretly to bring about this happy celebration.
María Cristina Chambers has told this tale of Spain and of children with tenderness and gentle humor. Through the nine-year-old eyes of Manolito we see Spain returning to the customs and fiestas of happier days. Children will enjoy this tale of Manolito's struggle and achievement, and grown-ups will appreciate an exquisite vignette of Spanish life.
From the dust jacket
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