The Thanksgiving Book

Frank Jupo
Frank Jupo
1980 by Dodd, Mead & Company
History, Holiday, Non-fiction, World Cultures
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We observe Thanksgiving much as the Pilgrims once did long ago—with the family gathering together for a turkey dinner. But celebrating the harvest was a custom of the American Indians before the Pilgrims arrived in the New World. And harvest festivals—giving thanks for good crops—have been held down through the years by people all around the world.
Frank Jupo introduces many of these harvest festivals—the "Corn Baba" of Czechoslovakia, the Onion Festival of the Swiss, the welcome for the safe homecoming of cattle in the Alps. The Jewish Sukkoth, respect for rice plants in Indonesia, feasting and dancing in African lands-all are forms of Thanksgiving. Young readers will delight in discovering how the many ways of celebrating differ from their own.
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