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Hop on a Powell Street cable car in San Francisco and, with bells clanging, you'll be carried up one of the steepest hills of the city. From the top you can look across San Francisco Bay to the Golden Gate Bridge silhouetted like a great orange web against the sky.

Just where you see the fishing boats returning with their day's catch, the Spanish Schooner San Carlos made its way in 1775. That was the first ship to cast anchor in San Francisco Bay. But from then on, a succession of vessels sailed into that famous port as part of one of the most colorful and exciting pageants in all history.

Like the city itself, The Story of San Francisco by Charlotte Jackson is a brilliant pageant introducing the fabulous characters and situations that have made its history—the Spanish up from Mexico, Yankee traders in their clipper ships, prospectors during the gold rush, and ship-loads of Chinese from across the Pacific.

With every episode of the pageant of San Francisco came breath-taking excitement. And as you read The Story of San Francisco, you feel as though you are standing on Nob Hill watching the great drama of this story-book city unfolding before your eyes.

From the dust jacket

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Charlotte Jackson

Charlotte Jackson

1901 - 1989
Charlotte Jackson is a Californian who has written seven books for boys and girls. Among them are a children's story of the gold-rush period, Sarah ... See more
Kurt Werth

Kurt Werth

1896 - 1983
Kurt Werth was born in Leipzig, Germany. He attended the State Academy for the Graphic Arts. After graduating, he began to illustrate books and draw s... See more

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Plumfield Moms Podcast

Landmark Books: What They Are and Why They Matter
Released in 2022 by Plumfield Moms Podcast
Available formats: Streaming Audio
Length: 52 min.
View on the Plumfield Moms Podcast site

Two-part episode hosted by Podcast Moms with guests Sandy Hall (Hall's Living Library), Jill Morgan (Purple House Press), and Tanya Arnold (Biblioguides) where they discuss the Landmark series, how they came to be and why they are worth adding to a home library.