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Combining the beautifully descriptive prose of Charlotte Zolotow and Margaret Bloy Graham's brilliantly executed and exquisitely detailed pictures in lovely soft colors, here is a picture book that is so real, so alive, you can almost hear the rrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm DDDDDDDRRRRRRRR R R R of the thunder, as a summer storm sweeps over the countryside, the city, and the seashore, and almost feel the fresh clean air when the storm has passed and a lovely rainbow arches splendidly across the sky.

Children will be delighted with all the wonderful little details of both sights and sounds, as they follow the progress of the storm from the first faint rumbles of the thunder to the last pitapat of the last raindrop.

From the dust jacket

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Charlotte Zolotow

Charlotte Zolotow

1915 - 2013
CHARLOTTE ZOLOTOW is the author of over fifty books for children, including such favorites as MR. RABBIT AND THE LOVELY PRESENT, WILLIAM'S DOLL, and... See more
Margaret Bloy Graham

Margaret Bloy Graham

1920 - 2015
Canadian American
Say Harry the Dog or No Roses for Harry to anyone over four and he or she will know exactly what Harry looks like—complete with swea... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

The Storm Book
The pictures by Margaret Bloy Graham tell the story of the accompanying text ...

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The Good and the Beautiful Book List

The Storm Book
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
I adore this book! This is a perfect example of the kind of literature we should be putting into our children’s hands...

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