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The true story of an unexpected hero

Munio and his younger brother Milek live in a sleepy village in Poland where nothing exciting seems to happen. One of their neighbors is a poor man named Anton, who is so gentle that he won't eat meat and he won't harm so much as a fly. While the rest of the town makes fun of Anton, the boys' mother is kind to him, often sending her reluctant sons with soup and clothing for the "fool" no one respects.

When war comes to their country, everything changes. The Nazi soldiers march into the town and begin to round up Jewish boys like Milek and Munio. Anton worries about them and their parents, and comes up with a plan to hide them.

Anton's courage and kindness shine through, proving that fierce bravery can come from the most gentle of people.

From the dust jacket

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Rebecca Upjohn

Rebecca Upjohn

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Renné Benoit

Renné Benoit

Renné Benoit grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, and always loved to draw and paint. She has illustrated several award-winning books for children. He... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

The Secret of the Village Fool
A gentle, unassuming man’s courage and fortitude saves a Jewish family during the Holocaust in this tale taken from history....

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