The Secret of the Sachem's Tree

F.N. Monjo
Margot Tomes
1972 by Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc
Simultaneously published by:
The Junior Literary Guild
Fiction, Historic Tales and Legends, Historical Fiction
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Many plans are brewing for Halloween 1687 in Hartford Connecticut. The Wadsworth children, Hannah and Jonathan, have carved a devilish pumpkin and hidden it in the hollow of the Sachem's Tree. After dark, they will use it to scare Goody Gifford, for they think she's a witch.
Sir Edmund Andros is coming, on behalf of the new English king, to take away the Connecticut Charter, which has given the colony a considerable amount of self-government. And Captain Wadsworth, the children's father, plans to stop him!
How Captain Wadsworth manages to outwit Sir Edmund makes a dramatically absorbing story of unusual interest to advanced beginning readers.
F.N. Monjo, a distinguished author of historical fiction, has chosen one of Connecticut's most cherished legends as the basis for this intriguing tale. The story is further enhanced by Margot Tomes' gifted style of illustration.
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