The Secret Admirer

Donna W. Guthrie
Tony Sansevero
1996 by Ideal's Children's Books an imprint of Hambleton-Hill Publishing, Inc
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books
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When Grams moves into her new apartment, she decides that her neighbor Dr. Chadwick isn't very friendly—he never answers her hellos. And Dr. Chadwick just can't understand why Grams won't return his cheerful waves.
Only Grams' great-granddaughter understands the real problem, and her imaginative solution proves that life at any age can be filled with surprises.
In a heartwarming portrayal of an older generation, author Donna Guthrie captures the loving bond between a little girl and her great-grandmother.
Richly detailed illustrations rendered in colored pencil complement this story of eyeglasses misplaced, hearing aids forgotten, and mysterious notes from a secret admirer.
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