The Poppy Lady: Moina Belle Michael and Her Tribute to Veterans

Barbara Elizabeth Walsh
Layne Johnson
2012 by Calkins Creek
Biography, Holiday, Non-fiction, Picture Books
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Ever since she was a young girl, Moina Belle Michael had relied on her favorite motto: "Whatsoever your hands find to do, do it with all your might." When America entered the Great War, Moina, a schoolteacher from Georgia, knew she had to act with all her might. Friends and students were now caught up in the fight, storming war-torn Europe. Moina felt they deserved a symbol—people needed to be reminded of the sacrifice and courage of America's soldiers.
Moina almost singlehandedly launched a national campaign to establish as that symbol the red poppy of Flanders Fields. And she devoted the rest of her life to making sure the symbol would last forever. Thanks to Moina Belle Michael, the red poppy symbol remains strong today.
Author Barbara Elizabeth Walsh and artist Layne Johnson worked with primary documents and experts, including Moina's great-nieces, to uncover Moina's story. To capture the impact Moina's Miracle Flower continues to have, the author interviewed veterans and their families, poppy princesses, and members of The American Legion and The Veterans of Foreign Wars.
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