The Peppernuts
Maud Petersham, Miska Petersham

Maud Petersham, Miska Petersham
Maud Petersham, Miska Petersham
1958 by The Macmillan Company
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When the four Peppernut children and their parents moved into an old hunting lodge for the summer, they fell in love with the house and Paradise Valley. A pool was their bathtub and their water came from a stream right into the stone sink in the kitchen. The water was always flowing and no one ever knew when a pollywog might wiggle through.
Captain Peppernut, the boy, built a tree house; Flitter Peppernut, the oldest girl, made a princess' castle out of the family car; the twin sisters Tua A and Tua B explored Paradise Valley, and Daddy worked at his typewriter, for he was an author—but only when he had his hat on.
It was a wonderful magical summer, and when it was over each member of the family used his ingenuity to keep forever the home they loved.
A charming, funny story about a warm-hearted and adventurous family, with many delightful illustrations by this famous author-artist team.
From the dust jacket
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