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The ancient Greeks believed that their important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus. Zeus, King of the Gods, ruled the skies, hurling his thunderbolts whenever it suited him. Poseidon, God of the Seas, calmed the waters when he drove his golden chariot over the waves. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, sprung fully grown from Zeus's head and founded the city of Athens.

Here, award-winning painter-author Leonard Everett Fisher offers a simple, straightforward introduction to the twelve main Greek gods and goddesses. He also includes their Roman names, the names of their parents, their symbols, and a family tree.

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Leonard Everett Fisher

Leonard Everett Fisher

1924 -
Born in New York City, Leonard Everett Fisher received his Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts degrees at the Yale Art School. He has been awarded the ... See more

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