The National Civil Rights Museum Celebrates Everyday People

Alice Faye Duncan
J. Gerard Smith
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1995 by BridgeWater Books
History, Non-fiction
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It is one of the most compelling stories in the history of the United States of America. It was a stuggle for dignity and equality, faught by everyday people. It was the Civil Rights Movement that swept the country between 1954 and 1968—and continues even to this day.
The National Civil Rights Museum Celebrates EVERYDAY PEOPLE pays homage to those men, women, and chilren whose unyielding courage and determination helped advance the cause for freedom for all Americans—no matter the color of their skin.
Located in the Lorraine Motel— where the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., was slain— the National Civil Rights Museum's interactive exhibits recreate events in the struggle for equality. Young visitors can rid the bus with Rosa Parks, and stand of the steps of the Central Hight School in Little Rock, participate in the March on Washington, and even go to jail with Dr. King. Now, through J. Gerard Smith's striking full-color photos of these exhibits, young readers also share in the darma that changed our nation's history. Alice Faye Duncan's impassioned narrative provides an historical framework, demonstrating that heros are everyday people, just like you!
A portion of the proceeds from this book will contribute to the National Civil Rights Museum.
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