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Only once in a blue moon does a children's story of this particular blend of charm, originality and inspiration come like a lovely surprise from the mind and heart of even so gifted a writer as Phyllis McGinley.

Dulcy had many dolls, but one that she loved beyond all others because it was her dream doll—born of her own imagination. And Dulcy had an imagination that flew away with her until she learned to ride on its wings.

Every incident, every charming twist and turn of the story of Dulcy and her wonderful doll Angela is fresh and delightful, and Helen Stone's drawings and design make this book a treasure for every doll collector, every enthusiast about fine children's books and best of all, for every little girl from seven to eleven.

From the dust jacket

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Phyllis McGinley

Phyllis McGinley

1905 - 1978
Phyllis McGinley won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1961 for her collection of verse called Times Three. She is also the author of the best-seller... See more
Helen Stone

Helen Stone

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The Good and the Beautiful Book List

The Most Wonderful Doll in the World
Originally published in 1950, this Caldecott Honor Book is a wholesome and charming story about a girl and her doll and the consequences of letting lies get bigger and bigger...

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Kirkus Reviews

The Most Wonderful Doll in the World
A fable about imagination and dreams with a Street outline. Dulcy "found it hard to be satisfied with Things as They Are"...

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