The Little Swiss Wood Carver
Madeline Brandeis
1929 by Grosset & Dunlap
Fiction, World Cultures
Children of All Lands Stories Members Only
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Here is an absorbing tale of how Seppi, the ambitious Swiss lad, made his dream of becoming a skillful wood-carver like his father come true. No American child can read about Seppi's struggles to perfect himself in his father's art without feeling more than one thrill of sympathy. How his father carved a beautiful St. Bernard dog for a rich American woman, how Seppi lost the carving while delivering it to her, and how he managed to make good the loss and launch himself on his chosen career—these are highlights in a fascinating story that little folks will find hard to resist.
Interwoven with the plot are details about the natural beauties of Switzerland, the manners and customs of the people so presented as to make the reading and learning a joy. The story is attractively illustrated by man reproductions of photographs taken in Switzerland by the author.
From the dust jacket
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