The Life of the Grasshopper
Jean Henri Fabre
Original title:
Souvenirs entomologiques
Original language:
Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
1917 by Dodd, Mead & Company
Nature, Non-fiction
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I have ventured in the present volume to gather together, under the somewhat loose and inaccurate title of The Life of the Grasshopper, the essays scattered over the Souvenirs entomologiques that treat of Grasshoppers, Crickets, Locusts and such insects as the Cicada, or Cigale, the Mantis and the Cuckoo-spit, or, to adopt the author's happier and more—euphonious term, the Foamy Cicadella. The exhaust the number of the orthopterous and homopterous insects discussed by Henri Fabre.
From the Translator's Note
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