The Jolly Tailor and Other Fairy Tales Translated From the Polish (Adaptation)
1957 edition
Kazimir Klepacki
Lucia Merecka Borski, Kate B. Miller
Original language:
Lucia Merecka Borski, Kate B. Miller
1928 by Longmans, Green and Co., Inc.
Anthology, Fiction, Folk Tales
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Delightful, humorous, quick-moving, and colorful, these Polish tales have all the spirit and humor of the South Europe folk tale. Of a type children thoroughly enjoy, they will be welcomed for their freshness and simplicity of style, their liveliness and vigor, their sense of people and places that are new and strange, and yet seem perfectly logical and satisfactory.
In telling these stories Mrs. Borski has simplified and clarified them, preserving their native spirit and the little significant touches that keep them essentially true to the Old World.
These tales ring true and have that quality which makes for fun and laughter, and will take their place as a new volume of folklore with a long life ahead of it.
From the dust jacket of the 1957 edition
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