The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica

Kathleen Norris
Tomie dePaola
2001 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Biography, Non-fiction
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In a unique collaboration, acclaimed author Kathleen Norris and beloved artist Tomie dePaola provide a moving tribute to two miraculous yet very human siblings, saints whose conversations and beliefs continue to inspire us 1,500 years after they lived.
The twins, Benedict and Scholastica, grew up as lively best friends in the mountains of Northern Italy. But when it came time for them to enter adult life, Benedict traveled to Rome to study, and Scholastica went to a convent of nuns closer to home.
Scholastica loved her new life, praying, singing and helping the needy. Benedict enjoyed learning but soon found that the ways of life in Rome were not for him, so he went to the country to live in solitude and to pray. Then Benedict's reputation as a holy man grew, and he was sought out both by those who jealously plotted against him and by those who revered him as their spiritual leader.
Benedict's life was filled with dramatic moments and miracles. Scholastica lived a quieter life, but she remained a strong influence on her brother as he developed the Rule of St. Benedict, which guides the Benedictine monasteries to this day.
From the dust jacket
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