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Have you ever watched the Green Mist rise from the mools at the coming of spring? And have you heard of the bogles and all the horrid things that roamed the earth in the old times? Sometimes they'd become bored as the earth slept through the winter. They'd hide in cracks and live in cinders and wait for a chance to cause trouble.

In the ancient past in Great Britain, one small girl's fate is tied to the magical Green Mist that wakes the dormant land each spring. Through the cold dark days of winter, the child, once a romping lass, sits all white and shaking by the fire. Soon she's naught but a bag-o'-bones. Her family anxiously watches and waits for the Green Mist to return, for seeds to burst forth from the fields, and for the mischievous bogles to begin working on the new season's harvest.

Based on a folk tale and perfect for reading aloud, The Green Mist is a legend and ritual, a world where the forces of nature held answers to the mysteries all around.

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Marcia Sewall

Marcia Sewall

Marcia Sewall grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, in a home filled with creativity. She often found her mother knitting, sewing, or painting, while h... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

The Green Mist
A beguiling retelling of a 19th-century Lincolnshire tale that fairly dances with an impatience to be read aloud.

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