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Mr. Louis Bleriot is out for a drive with his family on a morning like any other morning in France in the year 1901. Suddenly he sees a machine flying through the air, and immediately he knows, even before he drives into a wagon full of pumpkins, that he too must fly. So begins Bleriot's obsession with flying, marked by efforts both humorous and dangerous and culminating in a daring flight across the English Channel in 1909. The astonished world applauds Louis Bleriot, whose flight is the first of its kind, eighteen years before Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

Alice and Martin Provensen's richly detailed paintings convey this exciting and historic event with wonderful authenticity. Exquisite color tones and shifting perspectives created a convincing sense of air and space, allowing every reader to experience the wonder of flight.

From the dust jacket
Alice Provensen

Alice Provensen

1918 - 2018
Alice and Martin Provensen have been writing and illustrating children's books since 1947. They have received the Gold Medal from the Society of Ill... See more
Martin Provensen

Martin Provensen

1916 - 1987
Alice and Martin Provensen have been writing and illustrating children's books since 1947. They have received the Gold Medal from the Society of Ill... See more

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