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Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds, plenty of stationery, and a passion for gardening to the big gray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, a cantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation, brightening the bakery and bringing smiles to customers' faces with the flowers she grows. But it is in a secret place that Lydia Grace works on her masterpiece, which she hopes will be powerful enough to maker even Uncle Jim smile.

Colored by a Depression-era setting, The Gardener introduces readers to a winsome and determined young heroine, whose generosity will reward all who meet her.

From the dust jacket

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Sarah Stewart

Sarah Stewart

Sarah Stewart, a writer and gardener, lives in Mendon, Michigan, with her husband, David Small. The Money Tree is her first book. From the dus... See more
David Small

David Small

1945 -
Sarah Stewart and David Small have combined their talents in creating two previous picture books: The Money Tree and The Library. . . . Mr. Small sp... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

The Gardener
It's a lovely story exemplifying the old adage, "Brighten the corner where you are," and a good introduction to the epistolary form of storytelling...

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The Good and the Beautiful Book List

The Gardener
Reviewed by Jenny Phillips
This Caldecott Honor book features a determined young heroine, Lydia, who is sent to the city to live with her grumpy uncle during the Great Depression...

Read the full review on The Good and the Beautiful Book List

Good Book Mom

The Gardener by Sarah Stewart
I absolutely adore this sweet book. The illustrations tell just as much of the story as the lighthearted text does and it will enchant you just as much as your children...

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