The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night

The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
Peter Spier
1961 by Doubleday & Company, Inc
Fiction, Music, Picture Books
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What is lovelier than the New England countryside, lit by the full moon?
And what is more exciting than a breathless dash across farm and field, following the roguish trail of Mr. Fox as he hurries home with the goose and the duck snatched right from under old farmer Giggle-Gaggle's nose!
To Peter Spier, autumn in New England seemed the perfect setting for this favorite old folk song which gains new dimension in his charming illustrations. The shimmer of water in the moonlight, the crackle of crisp leaves, the hushed silence of the common are communicated with such vitality the young readers will want to reach out and touch each page. A wealth of detail in every picture provides plenty of material in every picture provides plenty of material for hours of looking, and there is color—burnished golds, greens, and red of autumn against the silver blue of the midnight hills and sky.
From the beginning of the journey to the happy feast of the fox family to the gaily decorated music and lyrics on the final pages, Peter Spier's Fox is a treat for everyone who likes to sing, read, or just look at pictures!
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THe Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
Reviewed by Sherry Early
The illustrations evoke autumn and farm life and New England. The song itself is folksy and catchy, fun to repeat over and over. The pictures will bear scrutinizing over and over, too, with lots of details to catch as you go through the book a second or third time.
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