The First Thanksgiving

Lena Barksdale
The First Thanksgiving by Lena Barksdale
Lois Lenski
1942 by Alfred A. Knopf
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Holiday
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Everybody didn't celebrate Thanksgiving but Grandpa and Grandma always did. It meant a great deal to them because they had been at the First Thanksgiving feast at Plymouth long ago when Massasoit and his braves made merry with their new white neighbors. And tomorrow Grandma would tell them all about it, because she wanted her children and grandchildren to remember that First Thanksgiving always, and to go on celebrating it every year.
In this warm and friendly story of a truly American feast day in a truly American home, Lena Barksdale has succeeded in bringing alive the kindliness and sterling worth of the early settlers which today make up our ideal of what a real American stands for.
The delightful illustrations by the well-known artist, Lois Lenski, are as authentic as they are charming.
From the dust jacket
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