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This thrilling book explains the magic of water—how it can one day be a piece of ice, another day part of a cloud, and another day a shower of rain. The uses of water are related, with the help of colorful and lively pictures.

From the dust jacket of The Giant Nature Library

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Ernest Norling

Ernest Norling

1892 - 1974
Ernest Ralph Norling attended Whitman College where he majored in math and physics. After college he worked as a draftsman for the city engineer's o... See more
Jo Norling

Jo Norling

1895 - 1972
Josephine Stearns Norling... See more

The First Book of Water Reprint

The First Book of Water
Reprinted in 2023 by Living Book Press
Available formats: Hardcover, Paperback
View on the Living Book Press site

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Kirkus Reviews

The First Book of Water
The Norlings are expert in simplifying factual material, but even they find the abstractions of water difficult, and the...

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