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On our ancient planet Earth, man is a "Johnny-come-lately." Millions of years before him countless animals drifted in Earth's waters, swooped through its air, and roamed it land. Many of these creatures died out long before man's time, yet we know much about them.

What these animals were, how they evolved over millions of years, how they lived, and how the scientist sleuths learned of them is the story of this exciting book. Here, in the long procession of Earth's prehistoric animals, are not only the dinosaurs, but other creatures of land, sea, and air in varied and outlandish array.

A simply told introduction to the prehistoric world, made even more vivid by Helene Carter's sensitive illustrations.

-- From the book.

Alice Dickinson (Hoke)

Alice Dickinson (Hoke)

Alice Dickinson says of herself: "Sometimes I feel as if Gutenberg may have been my great-uncle. I cut my teeth on a stick of type when my father wa... See more
Helene Carter

Helene Carter

1887 - 1960
Helene Carter is well-known as an illustrator of books about plants, animals, and other outdoor subjects. Her sensitive drawings are a remarkable co... See more

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