The F.B.I.

Quentin Reynolds
John Edgar Hoover
1954 by Random House
History, Non-fiction
Landmark Books (Landmark)
Series Number: 46
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When did the F.B.I. as we know it have its beginning? What are its functions? How does the F.B.I. track down bank robbers, kidnappers, spies, and saboteurs whose names and faces are unknown? What can a young man do to become an agent of the F.B.I.?
The answers to these and many other questions are presented in a briskly written account that is based on information obtained from men of the F.B.I.
The story moves quickly as we accompany a young lawyer who is studying to become a G-man. His training period is difficult, with a great number of subjects to be learned. We understand the reasons for this variety as we watch the unraveling of some famous cases. F.B.I. agents track down notorious kidnappers of the '30s. They locate Nazi saboteurs and spies who attempted to operate in the United States during World War II. They bring about the arrest of a traitor, Harry Gold.
These and other dramatic cases are shown to be part of the everyday work of John Edgar Hoover and his 6,000 agents. It is a story that touches the life of every reader, for at this moment the F.B.I. is hard at work protecting you, your family, and your country from the criminal acts of lawless men.
From the dust jacket.
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Landmark Books: What They Are and Why They Matter
Released in 2022 by Plumfield Moms Podcast
Available formats: Streaming Audio
Length: 52 min.
View on the Plumfield Moms Podcast site
Two-part episode hosted by Podcast Moms with guests Sandy Hall (Hall's Living Library), Jill Morgan (Purple House Press), and Tanya Arnold (Biblioguides) where they discuss the Landmark series, how they came to be and why they are worth adding to a home library.
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