The Christmas Carp

Rita Tornqvist
Marit Tornqvist
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Greta Kilburn
1990 by R&S Books
Fiction, Holiday, Picture Books, World Cultures
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Thomas is spending Christmas in Prague with his grandfather. In Czechoslovakia, people don't eat turkey or ham on Christmas, but a fish called carp. On the day before Christmas, Grandpa buys a Christmas tree and Thomas buys a carp that he names Peppo. Peppo swims in Grandpa's bathtub while Thomas feeds it Christmas cookies and pretends it is a whale. But as Christmas dinner time draws near, Thomas grows more and more sad. He wants Peppo to swim in the bathtub forever.
Peppo does survive Christmas dinner, but now Thomas must make a difficult decision. Is Peppo really happiest in the bathtub or would he prefer the river?
The Christmas Carp captures the spirit and the traditions of Czech Christmas. Yet Thomas's feelings will seem foreign to no one who reads this moving story.
Its beautifully detailed paintings of Prague show off the ancient city's colorful buildings, the stately Modau River, and the coziness of Grandpa's old-fashioned courtyard apartment.
From the dust jacket
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